EDP4130 Technology Curriculum & Pedagogy – Task 1

For EDP4130-Technology Curriculum & Pedagogy, I will develop and share, with fellow student teachers and the wider profession, two quality assured resources to support the classroom implementation of the Australian Curriculum: Technologies.

Design and Technologies builds on students using design thinking and technologies to generate and produce designed solutions for authentic needs and opportunities (ACARA, 2014). By the end of year 2, students should have had the opportunity to create designed solutions. The proposed resource is a unit plan that will be available to EDP4130 student teachers and the wider teaching profession. For the proposed resource, the focus will be on the content descriptor; Design and Technologies Knowledge and Understanding;

• Explore how technologies use forces to create movement in products (ACTDEK002) (ACARA, 2014)

The Digital Technologies curriculum is the development of knowledge, understanding and skills that support the integration of human thinking with the capabilities of digital systems (ACARA, 2014). By the end of year 2, students should have began to experiment with different forms of representation with projects. The resource to be created is a “Scoop It!” page, which is a curated collection of information, resources and tips that will be available to assist EDP4130 student teachers and the wider teaching profession. For the proposed resource, the focus will be on the content descriptor; Digital Technologies Processes and Production Skills;

• Work with others to create and organise ideas and information using information systems, and share these with known people in safe online environments (ACTDIP006) (ACARA, 2014)

This blog will be used to share the progress and final product of my two resources with fellow EDP413O student teachers. Please feel free to leave feedback.

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